2024 Resolutions As An Arkansas Wedding Photographer

Welcome friend. As we embrace the new year, it’s a time for reflection, setting goals, and envisioning the path ahead. For us in the vibrant field of wedding photography, especially in the picturesque landscapes of Arkansas, this is a fantastic opportunity to redefine our craft and business strategies. Let’s make 2024 a year of growth, innovation, and connection. Here are some of my resolutions and suggestions to help us thrive in our photography businesses and in our personal life.

1. Level Up Your Photography Skills

Photography, much like love, evolves and deepens. This year, let’s commit to refining our skills. Whether it’s mastering the golden hour light that bathes the Ozarks or capturing the intimate moments in a Little Rock cityscape wedding, every shot tells a story. Consider attending workshops or webinars, especially those focused on unique challenges and opportunities in Arkansas. Experiment with new lenses or techniques, maybe delve into aerial photography for those breath taking  outdoor weddings. It’s all about bringing fresh perspectives to our timeless art.

Take a class:

The Digital Photography School

Bedford Camera & Video

2. Business Development Strategies

We are artists, but… we’re also entrepreneurs. This year, aim to enhance your business acumen. For starters, how about optimizing your website with keywords like “Arkansas wedding photographers”? It’s not just about being found; it’s about being chosen. Utilize social media not just to showcase your portfolio, but to tell stories that resonate with couples planning their wedding or elopement. Networking is key too – find ways to collaborate with local vendors, from florists to venues, and build a community that supports and refers each other.


Start With Why – Simon Sinek

Developing The Leader Within You – John C. Maxwell

3. Embracing Technology and Trends

Stay ahead of the curve in both technology and trends. The right gear can elevate your work, so research and invest wisely. Are drones a part of your toolkit yet? They should be, especially for capturing the scenic beauty of Arkansas weddings. Also, keep an eye on editing software updates, new camera models, and emerging trends in wedding photography. Are micro-weddings becoming more popular? How about elopements in the natural state parks of Arkansas? Be the photographer who’s always a step ahead.

Check Out:



4. Personal Growth and Work-Life Balance

Our work is a reflection of who we are. In 2024, let’s not forget to invest in ourselves. Balancing the demands of a busy wedding season with personal well-being is crucial. Set boundaries for work, dedicate time for hobbies or relaxation, and don’t forget to connect with family and friends. Happy, healthy, and balanced is not out of reach. It will take dedication but is possible.


MyFitnessPal – Activity and Nutrition Tracking

Happify – Overcome Stress and Negative Thoughts

Final Thoughts

As we set 2024 commitments and resolutions, let’s remember that each step forward, no matter how small, is a step towards a more fulfilling career and life. Whether you’re capturing a wedding in the quaint towns of Arkansas or exploring new creative avenues, every experience shapes your unique story as a photographer.

Let’s Connect!

I’d love to hear your resolutions and stories! Share them in the comments below. And if you’re looking to take your photography to the next level, consider booking a mentoring session with me. Together, let’s make 2024 a remarkable year for all of us in the Arkansas wedding photography community!


Joy and Light Photography is a wedding and elopement photographer based in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Servicing the local area of Fayetteville and the surrounding NWA areas. Often provides services for weddings across the U.S. and Oaxaca, Mexico. Specializes in candid, documentary style wedding portraits that are real, emotional, and natural.  Northwest Arkansas is home but available for travel worldwide.